From: The Unofficial North Point Blog:
Life App #5 [Encouragement]
Final Life App... Encouragement
[Sunday Message Review tuesday]
Jeff Henderson – Life App #5 [Encouragement]
Jeff did some research pointing out that during conversation the ratio between encouragement and criticism is:
1 encouragement to every 6 criticisms
World Full of Toxic Talk
You and I both know this is true… the worst part is that its even true of Christians. When you look at this shocking fact you realize why the workplace is the way it is, why marriages are failing, and children turn out the way they do. This is toxic and must change.
Proverbs 11:25 – … whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
God is always sending people into our lives or circle of influence. We have the choice to speak life into them everyday. According to the proverbs this in return will leave you refreshed. Truett Cathy said it best…
If a person is breathing then they need to be encouraged.
Encouragement vs Criticism
Our Role:
You must continue to ask the question…What is my ratio between encouragement and criticisms? Jeff quoted this Sunday,
Don’t wait to breathe life into someone at his or her funeral, breathe life into someone while it’s still called today.
What if God has called you to be a voice to the people in your life? We must change the scale and start to encourage more.
Bottom Line:
When you replenish others you will be replenished.
This is truth! I think it's a common assumption that if a person seems to be successful, then they're above the need for encouragement. But everybody needs a good, positive push every now and then. "If a person is breathing then they need to be encouraged." Yes.