Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Transformed by Trials

I think I'm just going to make Tuesday #TonyEvansTuesday... Here's the link to the original post!

Transformed by Trials
Tony Evans

In His Presence: Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials (James 1:2).
The television show “Extreme Makeover” puts people through all kinds of adverse circumstances so that they might look better than they did when they started the makeover process. They undergo surgical procedures, grueling workouts, and physical pain in order to be transformed into something beautiful.
One of the primary ways God makes us more like Christ is by allowing us to face trouble. To conform us into the image of Christ, we don’t just need minor surgery--we require major transformation. In fact, God has to put a brand new nature inside us.  Just as a sculptor chips away at a piece of marble to turn it into a beautiful sculpture, God uses trials to chip away at us, sculpting us to resemble the image of Christ.
One Minute Please
Like a photographer developing his film in a darkroom, God develops a beautiful photograph of Christlikeness in us when we go through dark times.


  1. I definitely needed to read this today...I couldn't see the original post because my job sensed it as Internet TV or radio, but just the small commentary you provided gave me the boost I needed today...even if you don't think your words are being heard/read/ingested, I'm here to tell you that they are...

  2. wow... thank you! I def do the blog because I feel God was tugging me to do so and it's always great to hear that someone is listening and impacted somehow. It's all Him, trust! lol.

    thank ya!
